Sharapov R. The generalized structure of the groundwater monitoring system

Sharapov R. The generalized structure of the groundwater monitoring system // 13 international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM2013. Water resources. Forest, marine and ocean ecosystems. Conference proceedings. Albena, Bulgaria, 2013. P. 389-392.

In paper we propose the generalized structure of the groundwater monitoring system. The monitoring system includes observation subsystem, subsystem of receiving data, storage subsystem, the subsystem assessment of groundwater, prediction subsystem. Subsystem of receiving data contains modules for automatic and manual receiving data, pre-processing, data conversion and data validation modules. Data validation module can detect errors in the stage of receiving data and send corrective action in observation subsystem. Storage subsystem contains a database of observations and database of models. Database of models used to make predictions changes in the state of groundwater. Subsystem assessment analyzes information from a database of observations and generates reports.

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