Sharapov R., Kuzichkin O. The polarizing characteristics of electrolocation signals and their analysis in geomonitoring system

Sharapov R., Kuzichkin O. The polarizing characteristics of electrolocation signals and their analysis in geomonitoring system // 13 International multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference SGEM2013. Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining. Conference proceedings. Albena, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, 2013. P. 913-918.

For creation geomonitoring systems there are often applied electrolocation systems. Most of them are based on the traditional electric-probe methods. The accuracy of these methods depends strongly on the spatial location of electrolocation systems and registration step of electrolocation signals. One way to improve the efficiency electrolocation methods of geomonitoring is the use of the polarizing characteristics of the electrolocation signal to estimate a geodynamic of objects. In paper the polarizing structure of electrolocation signals and its analysis is considered at geomonitoring. The technique of a polarizing estimation for objects geodynamics is developed. Analysis of the polarizing structure of point source field shows that the electric field vector for the entire study area is geometrically linked to the area of imaginary sources. This allows determining the overall distribution of secondary sources of anomalous. Phase characteristics are uniform across the boundary of the object and its parameters are defined. This explains the low sensitivity of equipotential electrical methods to «climate» noise. The general picture of polarizing distortion can not only determine the distribution of anomalous secondary sources, but also makes it possible to identify specific points on electrolocation images, which are correspond to geodynamic changes of the objects. Also it is supposed that when we use a multi-pole electrolocation systems besides a similar features in the polarizing structure of the field, it is possible to talk about presence of anomalies in electrolocation images by changing the direction of rotation of the total electric field vector.

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